Innovation & Knowledge
Shaping the future of the Smart Factory
Innovation is a top priority at MPDV, because only those who are always a µ better than all the others can survive as market leaders in the long term. The fact that MPDV is one of the most innovative companies in Germany is proven, among other things, by the fact that we have received the TOP 100 Award several times. In 2023, we even took second place in the category "Companies with more than 200 employees". You can find out more about the background to this here.
MPDV is currently working on the project "Development of an innovative product line to create the Smart Factory incorporating AI and Big Data as well as through platformization and appification of an ecosystem." and is being funded by the Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage (BSFZ) for this purpose.

Our tasks also include being involved in associations and committees, exchanging ideas directly with users in the Smart Factory Society, and cooperating with universities and research institutes. The pioneering role we play in this is also reflected in the Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP), the four-step model for the Smart Factory and the Smart Factory Elements model. You can read the findings of the analyses and discussions with our innovation partners in topic-related white papers.