MPDV Promoting Young Talents
IT and Smart Factory for school kids
Kids, teenagers, and young adults are the users of tomorrow. We want to spark interest in IT topics today so that they can play an active role in shaping the digital transformation in the future. To achieve this, we have developed innovative concepts that provide a playful introduction to the digital world.
- What opportunities does digitalization offer?
- What is programming?
- What role does IT play in manufacturing?
- What is the meaning of the term Smart Factory?
These questions take center stage in our MPDV@School programs: With the help of new and playful programs, school kids gain their first insights into current IT topics at an early stage.

MPDV@School programs
- Main focus: Information technology and mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology (STEM topics)
- Participants: School kids between the age of 12 and 16
- Seminars:
- In the Junior Seminar I Robotics,school kids have fun programming a Lego robot learning how robotic systems work.
- Working with a micro controller board is on the agenda in the Junior Seminar II Micro Controller. Participants will gain a basic understanding of computer technology.
- The Junior Seminar III Automation is designed to work with a MecLab® system to explore the processes of automated manufacturing.
- Seminar duration: 2 days per seminar
- Venue: MPDV company headquarters in Mosbach, Germany
- Cooperation partners: Jugend@Technik e.V., Heidelberg University of Education, DHBW Mosbach
- Registration: Only a complete class can enroll in the seminar. The seminar is carried out according to individual agreement.
- Main focus: Opportunities of digitalization with regard to industrial manufacturing and the interrelationships of the Smart Factory.
- Participants: Students between the age of 16 and 18 and apprentices in the 1st - 3rd year
- Seminars:
- The board game "Smart Factory – The Game" conveys the basic knowledge of the Smart Factory to the school kids in a fun way and explains interrelationships in the Basic Seminar.
- In the Advanced Seminar, students build a production in an interactive business game to find about correlations and consolidate their understanding of the benefits of digitalization.
- Seminar duration: 1 day per seminar
- Venue: MPDV company headquarters in Mosbach, Germany
- Registration: Only a complete class can enroll in the seminar. The seminar is carried out according to individual agreement.
- Main focus: Insight into a modern IT company and the opportunities of apprenticeships and cooperative studies at MPDV.
- Participants: Students from the age of 16
- Seminars:
- The MPDV vacation program gives students an insight into MPDV and introduces them to various job profiles as well as apprenticeships and cooperative studies.
- Processes and opportunities of a Smart Factory are explained with the help of a practical business game.
- MPDV experts also provide participants with a basic understanding of programming.
- Seminar duration: 2 to 3 days per seminar
- Venue: MPDV company headquarters in Mosbach, Germany
- Registration: Students can register individually.
myFactoryMania is an interactive game app to download free of charge. As you play, the benefits of a manufacturing execution system become quickly apparent. The app is used in class but can also be enjoyed in between lessons.
Whether Girls' Future Day, Digitaltag or Code Week: MPDV participates in a number of other activities besides our regular seminars.
- Girls' Day: When it comes to choosing a career, software development and business IT elicit little interest from many girls. At the same time, girls are often unaware of what this profession actually entails. The Girls' Day is a chance for girls to form their own opinions.
- Digitaltag: On Digitaltag (EN: digital day), the opportunities and challenges of the digital world are highlighted nationwide and participants are encouraged to develop their digital skills. Here, MPDV offers a program that focuses on programming an MPDV robot with school students.
- Code Week: As part of Code Week, young people have the opportunity to gain a practical insight into the basics of software development. Again, knowledge is imparted in a fun way. E.g., learning how to program a robot.
Honoring the commitment
MPDV's outstanding commitment to promoting young talents was recognized in the 2022 competition "Das hat Potenzial!" (EN: Providing opportunity!), which is a country-wide network called SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT (school and business). MPDV came first in the "SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT-Starter" category. Pascal Göltl, who organizes the MPDV educational program and coordinates the MPDV@School area, collected the award in Berlin.
The jury recognized MPDV's commitment as follows: "The digital range of educational and career opportunities for young people is growing all the time. Young people have to find out for themselves which career path is the right one for them and the best way to do it is to gain practical experience. That is why we need greater cooperation between schools and business. We are especially delighted to see so many award winners who are doing a fantastic job in this field. This gives us hope and optimism for the future."

In December 2023, the educational project "Smart Factory@School – Azubis und Studierende schlüpfen in die Trainerrolle" received the "Industry 4.0 Talents" award. The project uses trainees and students as trainers for children and young people. The award recognizes MPDV's long-standing contribution to promoting young talent and confirms its role as a pioneer in this field.

Would you like further information about MPDV@School? We are happy to assist you!
If you would also like to join MPDV@School with your class, contact us at MPDV@School team.