AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis
MPDV Mikrolab GmbH

Analyzing efficiency with artificial intelligence (AI)
Sometimes, your intuition tells you that things tend to run less smoothly during the night shift than during the day – but it that really true? Or do other factors such as article, tool or material have an impact? The mApp AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis uses artificial intelligence to evaluate utilization levels of different shifts with identical conditions in production (same machine, article, tool, etc.). The mApp compares the results and identifies potential for optimization in specific shifts.
The analysis outlines which production objects (machine, article, tool, etc.) had a positive or negative effect on capacity utilization. A graphic provides an overview of the results and the user can easily identify actions to increase capacity utilization.
Your Benefits
The AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis provides information on how efficient your shifts are and also uncovers optimization potential for each shift.
AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis promotes sustainability
Machines and equipment that are not or hardly used cause unnecessary costs by consuming energy or losing value. The AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis helps companies find out about the factors influencing utilization. The insights gained can be used in planning and unnecessary costs are avoided.
Technical information
The mApp AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis is part of the HYDRA X category Resource Management and part of the AI Suite.
The mApp uses data of the Virtual Production Reality (ViPR) of MPDV's Manufacturing Integration Platform (MIP).
AI-based Capacity Utilization Analysis in the MIP ecosystem
The mApp uses data of the machine and shop floor data collection to analyze capacity utilization. MPDV also offers the following mApps:
- Machine Monitoring: collecting machine data
- Work Order Execution: collecting shop floor data
#artificialintelligence #analytics #cip #processoptimization #ai #aisuite #hydra